Friday, May 25, 2012

Greatest show on earth

Circus Comes To Town

They roll into town in the dead of night
on a blade of track that slices clean across
the prone rib of Main, quick striped gates neatly
chop a graceful swell of cool damp air clean
at the knee, towering starless boxcars

draw up for a chaste kiss, duty bound ranks closed
at parade rest, sweating angle iron and plate
tick off the mounting minutes until swarming
gangs of roustabouts, cropped drop forge faces gathered
into new moon clefts, throw back the doors on

The Greatest Show On Earth; my bundled dreams
Secured in broad canvas and plastered steamer trunks,
Pace the length and breadth of clattering
iron cages, Grin manically behind
cracked stricken pancake plaster, Hobbled

in a steel corral rolling eyeballs set to rim
twin cups of flared nostrils, Murmur silent
prayers of thanks for the net beneath, Spit
shine their tall black boots to a high gloss gleam
that mirror the tiers of jeering towners

lured here night after night by the cool clear
tone of the feathered air horn, keen for some
three ring thrills and chills under the Big Top;
perhaps a nervous elephant perched high above
a still glass of water in a small pool of light.

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