Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Airport run

Meeting Your Plane

The night nurse plane that ferried you home
Pulled covers of high desert blue over 
The unmade bed of the day, careless meringue
In the rearview mirror, sanctification ahead
Drifting in the back pew of the cellphone lot
Dancing embers of arrivals and departures
From some distant bonfire where we'll huddle
Beneath a harvest moon, stars and planets
Skating holding patterns on a black ice pond.   

Friday, October 21, 2016

God save us

A White Man’s Prayer

Lord send me a champion
inarticulate as a mouthful
of hot filé gumbo, smart

as two left shoes, windier
than a kettle of Uncle
Larry’s chili, who talks

tough around the silver
spoon in his mouth
someone sane

as an organ grinders monkey 
a Yankee Doodle Dandy
plenty handy with the girls

honest as the day is long
in Lapland in December
an hombre who knows

how it feels to be top rail
at breakfast, bottom rail
by bedtime, big hearted

to his legions of lessors
his betters nothing more
than ugly rumor, Lord

knows my first choice
Foghorn Leghorn
is only a cartoon.     

Sunday, October 16, 2016

East of West Branch

Free Range

Insurrection or some dereliction
a latch left dangling or machinations
long in the works, The Salt Lick Plot

perhaps, freed you from bondage
tyranny of the teat cup, cold
hand of Big Ag, you were left

ambling wild eyed and stricken
by the world’s delights and horrors
delivered wholesale at a stroke. 

Watching you in the rearview
engulfed in my dust, enameled eyes
white as roadside diner crockery

I had a moment of envy green
as new mown hay that evaporated 
with the mighty pull of the barn

headlong return to your contented
ways, well-worn confines for me
the path back a song I know by heart.