Thursday, February 27, 2014

For all the marbles

Ensign Pulver

shoots Captain Morton in the bottom  
with a ball of foil studded with tacks fired
from a slingshot.   Why no longer matters.
A dictionary makes a cameo as a prop
so Robert Walker Jr. can deliver
the line “I shot him in the bue-tocks.”,
to Walter Matthau, kindling
my lifelong love affair with Daniel Webster. 
Even at eight I could appreciate
a destroyer named the USS Reluctant,
young enough to grow heady
over the word ass-sassin, yet blind
to navy nurses in clingy khaki uniforms.  
The memory of Captain Morton’s appendectomy
at the hands of Ensign Pulver
under frog juice anesthesia
remains with me to this day,
persisting like the handful
of marbles Pulver sews
into the heartless captain. 
Dictionaries bided their time
while I watched Burl Ives
worry his ample belly, puzzling
over the castanet clacking
at the end of the film, words like subversion  
and memento mori shimmering
like corvettes on my horizon. 


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