Thursday, December 1, 2011


Santas' Pants On Fire

Donder has a bloody nose
Vixens scared of heights
Comets bathroom pipes are froze
Blitzen can’t tell left from right
Dasher will be somewhat delayed
his coat is in the drier
but worst of all on Christmas eve
Santas' pants have caught on fire

Marvin the Elf dislikes the cold
his cousin has the flu
Dooley Elf has grown mold
his hair a brilliant blue
elves short and fat are talking strike
they sit, smoke, grump and conspire
but worst of all on Christmas eve
Santas' pants have caught on fire

The sleigh is in for a yearly check-up
the runners loose and wobbly
if it isn’t fixed there’ll be a wreak-up
before they reach Punjabalee
the lights are dim and the radios dead
a mouse ate through a wire
but worst of all on Christmas eve
Santas' pants have caught on fire

The parts were late for making kites
the Barbies have no heads
The Robo Dogs don’t work-they bites
and piddle under beds
The BB guns just disappoint
the darn things sing when fired
but worst of all on Christmas eve
Santas' pants have caught on fire

No train for Bill
No doll for Sally
No game for Phil
Forget it, pally
No toys for tots no socks for Dad
It all looks very dire
because worst of all on Christmas eve
Santas' pants have caught on fire.

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