De-consecrating St.
A last Mass, a chord to
punctuate the
end of the hymn, Eucharist
removed, grim
organ harvest, body
cooling, rendered a sad
empty vessel, an
afterthought really
to the messy celebration
of the
lives and deaths,
beginnings and ends, joy and
pain, the song and dance,
the sound of many
small bells rung together,
droning Cessna’s
landing nearby on warm
summer mornings,
front doors thrown open to
Eton, Jack huge
in cassock and sandals,
great bald dome to
focus our attention during
homilies or dancing with
grace up the aisle to the alter,
stage for him where he
performed for us our
favorite scenes on a bare
set, holding
babies aloft, tempering
Church intemperance with
They’ll salvage the pews, rescue
the stained glass
and puzzle over a priest who
won’t leave
the stage, proclaiming the
Mass continues.
God Bless Fubber Jack